Your One Stop Destination
in Toy Manufacturing
Certified and Acredited
From Start to Finish we can do it all for you
All under One Roof
Your Mediterranean Connection to the World
Looking for toy manufacturers in Europe, the USA, or South America? Nani Sarl is strategically located to serve your needs efficiently. Based in Tunisia, we are perfectly positioned to provide quick and reliable toy manufacturing services, just a short distance from your doorstep. Partner with us for convenient and accessible production solutions that bridge the gap between continents.
Are you ready to bring your own vision to life?
It all begins with an idea. We've been there and done that. Our experts come from various industries, with a combined experience of hundreds of years in the toy industry. From the initial spark to the final product and scalable production, we can either guide you every step of the way or run alongside you.
Manufacturing Joy since 1985
With over 45 years of experience, Nani S.A.R.L. has a rich history. Founded by a German family in 1982, our factory has remained privately owned since its inception. Over the years, we've grown alongside our products, specializing in crafting lifelike replicas of animals and fantasy figures made of plastic. Our commitment to creating new play worlds and their corresponding figures with meticulous care and attention to detail has been a constant throughout our history. We've evolved and expanded, always with a focus on delivering quality and diversity to children, teaching them about the wonders of nature through play.
The People that make it happen
Volker Kasten
Bessem Aissa
Boschra Dakhlaoui
Central Planning
Ines Boufaied
Integrated Quality System
Abdallah Aouam
Injection Department
Aida Balti
Development Department
Bessem Toumi
Hamouda Belai
Research and Development
Dorsaf Riahi
Quality Control
Badi Belkaab
Import / Export
Houssem Grar
Bassem Benahmed
Khmaies Ben Dkhil
Mehdi Jouini
Naourez Chaouachi
Human Resources
Yamina Jouini
Alia Mokhtari
Nidhal SAHLI
Facility Management
What we believe in