The Benefits of Nearshoring

Sustainability, timeline, and supply chain consciousness? Tunisia offers an ideal nearshoring location, providing a geographic advantage over the complex trade routes and challenges of offshoring.

  • Cost Saving

    Shipping costs can be reduced by up to 40% by nearshoring compared to offshoring to Asia.

  • CO2 Emissions:

    Nearshoring can cut CO2 emissions from transportation by over 30% compared to long-distance shipping routes.

  • Time Efficiency

    Supply chain lead times can be reduced by 50-60% when nearshoring, resulting in quicker market responses.

Nearshoring in Tunisia offers a unique advantage for your supply chain by reducing costs and optimizing timelines. Its proximity to Europe ensures faster delivery times and lower transportation expenses compared to traditional offshoring. Additionally, Tunisia's skilled workforce and favorable trade agreements make it a cost-efficient choice. By cutting down on shipping distances, nearshoring also reduces CO2 emissions, promoting sustainability.